Day 1…Remember the Alamo!!!

Hi y’all.  Todd here.  Greetings from the floor of the dorm at First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio.  Had a largely uneventful day of driving today.  Took in some BBQ at Cooper’s in Junction, TX.  Mmmm…BBQ.  After arriving at the church here, we relaxed a bit and let the kids decompress and blow off some steam after a little over 7 hours of travel with the bathroom stops and a long lunch.   Must tell you about our food ventures for the day…

Big props to Cooper’s BBQ today.  All 32 of us rolled in with a crazed “I need meat” look in our eye and they were more than happy to accommodate us!  Not only that, they threw in free ice cream for all of us as a “THANKS!” for coming in en masse!  Very cool!  So, next time you roll through Junction on your way to wherever you may roam…stop in and tell ’em thanks for being so cool to us!

In San Antonio, we blew off some steam in the church and gave the whole “if you set off the church’s alarm and the cops show up, they will charge FPC San Antonio $100 which we will promptly pass on to you” lecture.  The kids were great.  Taking good care of the facilities that we are blessed to take advantage of!  

We went to dinner down at Chili’s on the River Walk.  Russell called ahead and they said, “THANKS FORCALLING IN!  COME ON OVER!”  So, off we went!                     

Apologies to the Marriott for the herd of green shirts cruising through the lobby.  We arrived at Chili’s and waited just a little while and they seated us at 4 different tables.  All the wait staff came over to me afterwards to say thanks for the tip and thanks for having such great kids!  They were very complimentary of our students and had a great time serving us.  One of the tables left an extra tip…perhaps not knowing that I was already tipping the folks…and I was thrilled to hear that from them!  We talked about how that was a great show of gratitude and that it spoke very positively of the Christians to that waitress.  Having waited tables myself, I can testify that Christians have a reputation of being terrible tippers…so kudos to our kids for saying different!!! 

Here’s a couple of pics from outside Chili’s after we started digesting our food…

Randee Rathbone was nice enough to show us this dance she learned on the internet.  Very cool.  Very hip.  Very amazing.  We were lucky enough to get a picture of this after she came out of the Soul Train dance line that the kids had set up.  Go Randee!  Go Randee!  It’s your birthday!  Go Randee!


We made a quick stop by the Alamo…greatness.  David was a little too excited about the thought that “Santa Ana may have stood on this very spot!  Wow, David.  Just wow.  









Tomorrow holds more driving.  We’ll drive the other 8 hours to New Orleans with an expected arrival time of about 4pm.  We’ll look forward to more postings then as well as more pictures.  We’re going to have to make a stop tomorrow to get another camera cable for the other 2 cameras.  In the meantime, here are a couple of prayer requests…

1.  Pray for travel safety tomorrow!  It’s a long haul!  

2.  Continue to pray for our students and their openness to what God wants to accomplish in and through them during this week away.  

3.  Please pray for unity in the midst of the diversity in the group.

4.  Pray for New Orleans and the people we will serve and encounter there.  Pray that we would be  light in dark places…a glimmer of hope in the shadow of tragedy…and that we would recognize how Christ is working through us this week!

5.  Pray for our adult sponsors.  Pray that they would be energized, refreshed, encouraging, patient and passionate in their loving Christ by loving kids this week!  Pray that they would reflect the love that the adults of FPC have for their students!

Blessings to all of you.  Thank you for your prayers.  Feel free to leave comments…we’ll pass those on to the kids and leaders.  

A little game for those of you playing at home.  Where else does this license plate appear?

With that…I bid you good night.  More tomorrow from New Orleans!

~ by twyrick on July 6, 2008.

13 Responses to “Day 1…Remember the Alamo!!!”

  1. Hey Toddo,
    Parker says hi from Lubbock. He says Nana and Shar-Shar are taking good care of him as well as Aussie and Sadie. He tried to pull Austin’s tail today, but she was too quick. Praying for you daily from here. Love, Mom/Nana

  2. Hey Toddo,

    Parker says hi from Nana and Shar-Shar’s. He’s having a great time pulling Aussie’s tail. We’re off shopping. Having a great time here. Praying for you today! Love, Mom

  3. Todd:

    It’s unfortunate that my son chose to take the side of the Mexicans in the historic Battle of the Alamo, but, like AB, he prefers to be on the side of the victors. Perhaps you need to remind him about the ultimate result at San Jacinto before he becomes a permanent Santa Anna groupie.

    Please say hello to David and Ellie for me. We are taking your prayers to heart.

    Love, no kisses

    Bunny Hewett

  4. Todd, I would like to welcome “Postcards from the Edge” to West Texas’ corner of the blogosphere. I’ll be happy to add you to the blogroll at ArchaeoTexture and West Texas Missioner … and I’m sure other bloggers here, in Midland, will do the same.

  5. Tell Morgan that if Brittney’s mom is allowed to dance, them I’m allowed to dance!!! LOL

  6. Love the banner photo! Godspeed from a former Presby Youth guy who used to do crazy stuff like you’re doing and wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

  7. Is that from Ghostbusters?

    Hey friends, I stumbled upon this whilst procrastinating in my office this morning. I just wanted ya’ll to know that I am praying for you. I love and miss you all!! Have fun destroying buildings, painting, and serving the people of New Orleans!! Todd, I’ll be praying for you especially – thanks for taking care of the students we all love so much!! I’m praying for you all to be unified in the purpose of serving the Lord.

    “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. 11We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. 12We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” (Hebrews 6:10-12)

  8. The license plate also appears in the first Ghostbusters film from 1984.

    Don’t waste my time…
    Loving the photos and posts. Keep em coming. I will have Rhondy send a link to the blog in an email to the whole membership. It’s kewl

  9. That’s awesome that you all were able to go by the Alamo. How was the basement?

  10. If memory serves me correctly, Ecto-1 is from the first Ghostbusters movie! Have a great week to all of you!

  11. You all most definitely are in our prayers during your mission trip. I’ll take the requests to Faces of Children tomorrow morning (Wednesday), so if you get a strange sensation around lunchtime, it might not just be your rumbling tummy. 🙂

    Thank you all for going out to serve and minister in this way. Please know you are wrapped in arms of prayer and love during this week.

    Grace and peace,
    Chris Laufer

  12. Todd,
    Isn’t that the license plate from Ghostbusters?
    Do I win a prize if I’m right? And used paint rollers aren’t a prize, Todd.

  13. Hey, Friends,
    What a great thing this blog deal is!! It is so nice to hear about what you are doing and see the pics. I hope you have a fabulous meal tonight and the service is terrific! Did you paint at the same school as last year? Were there kids in summer school? Did Ashton paint there today? How’s her hair? Sorry I’m not there to brush it out—LOL!
    I am praying that you are all safe and having many blessings! Am looking forward to hearing more from you!
    Much love to all!

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