Student Reflections…Workday 2 in New OrleansHew

Hello there! Kathryn and Savannah speaking! Today was good. Painting takes a lot out of you. It takes skill and concentration to apply paint to a wall. Im pretty sure everyone got in a paint fight today. We completed five school rooms ceiling to floor.  We learned to paint very slow so we wouldn’t drip paint on the recently waxed floors. We were told if we did we would be dead!! Yesterday  the group had a large game of world cup(soccer game) going.  We have decided that there should be a snack time somewhere in between the working because waiting till dinner just wont work, but todd is rolling his eyes at the suggestions so i don’t think our idea will be considered. well we know that you are enjoying our blog a lot but unfortunately we have to go. –Savannah&Kathryn

Today we demolished a lot! not alot…A LOT! And i mean a lot as in an open space full of trees and as brantley would say “A JUNGLE”. We also beat weeds into submission with swing blades. We also fought each other with sticks that we made. We appreciated the people that drove by thanking us for our work. While we were there we met a Katrina Survivor named Iris Carter. She told us all about  the storm and how the levees broke, because of a barge that crashed into it. The water was 18 to 20 feet high covering houses. She had a couch and a sofa on top of her roof. She also said that the barge was found a block away on land. The workday was very productive and really tiring.  Thanks for reading bye. -Sammy and Thomas

Hey yall.  today was REALLY hot and humid.  spending 6 hours clearing a lot is not my favorite thing to do.  but it was really rewarding because people would pass and tell us we were doing a great job and how the appreciated what we were doing.  at one point in the day, we walked across the street and listened to a lady named Iris who told us about what happened to her house and her neighborhood.  it was really interesting but really sad to here about.  it really made us think about how good we have it and how fortunate we are.  it was a great experience and really rewarding!  please keep praying…and enjoy midland…its not humid there!!  god bless.  -amy hinton

~ by twyrick on July 9, 2008.

5 Responses to “Student Reflections…Workday 2 in New OrleansHew”

  1. I miss you guys and gals all so much and am praying for you all daily. Thanks for keeping us updated. It is so neat to get to hear about all that Jesus is doing with all of you, and through all of you. I love you all and can’t wait to hear more.
    Love Sarah Wyrick

  2. Hi everyone, Love hearing about your experience. What a great thing you are doing. Giving back to others is a never ending concept you will embrace in life. Keep the post coming! (we won’t share with you the Midland weather you are missing!)
    Praying for you all,
    Ellen Ramsey

  3. I know you guys must be tired from all of your hard work, but I hope the reward of knowing that you are serving God and others is sustaining you. Morgan, please hurry home– I’m tired of pizza! ;>)

  4. hey Sam,

    It is really quiet here! Elle has gone to college and laity lodge to be a camp counselor! Ben is driving the planting tractor everyday! Dad is really thankful! Maddie has been working and playing! I miss you but I know you are continuing to spend God’s love through this world! You are quiet a missionary and I am so thankful for you!
    I love you my dear Sam!

  5. Please fix my spelling!

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